Thursday, April 12, 2012

Poem - Acumen for Making Art

Acumen for Making Art

Focus for production requiring self-discipline
But creativity begs letting go to just a bit of sin

Or does it really for; isn't there a part of the mind
That delivers reward without stepping out of line?

This is the creativity I am seeking to manifest
As my own reflections of who I am is the test

Now the true mental measurement is designed
By the process of my creations that I find

Therefore, perhaps the focus is just immersion
For the sake of my psychological diversion

And patting my own back for doing my best
For my measures are the only scale of my test

The product is only a symbol of my experience
If you recognize it consider your own abstinence

And in your rumination, be it similar or poles apart
Consider this as a reason that we make and value art


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