Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Covid-19 Poem

Mother Nature
April 5 & 5, 2020
By: C. Heidi Drew

But, the wee bird is stuck and battling it's wound
I am stuck too but we can't help one another
It's the nature of things to get stuck without a tune
By which now we stop and sacrifice for the mother

The mother first, mother earth, mother nature's one
To tell us to stop, listen to all the birds singing
To all this reality that is solid under the sun
Telling us to look within and without bringing

Your self-centered needs before all the rest
Rest and contemplate the wisdom in the sky
The wisdom that asks why we are in this test
Yes hidden nature is challenging us as to why

We think we can do better than what she gives
She knows she must show us otherwise
That our greed is not the best way to live
Our brilliant gadgets will not destroy her skies

We gather together but apart yet in a new way
Connecting closer at a distance of space and time
Mother making and shaking up our focus of a day
Maybe here father sky and mother earth are aligned

We reach out and live days realistically within
The confines of our current situation's bubble
While the mother and the father continue to spin
Life's a challenge, be grateful, stay out of trouble


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