Friday, November 24, 2006

Colored Christmas Cards

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Digital Art

Compact Disk Cover

Self Portrait

Birthday Card

Baby Shower Invitation

"All of Us"


My Kids' Birthday Cards

My Kids' Graduation Announcements

Missed this graduation so I sent this, as well.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Paintings of my Children


Hangin' Out

Hangin' In There

Three Wee Dancers

all four paintings are acrylic on canvas

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Black and White Illustrations

Christmas Cards


Halloween Card

This goes with a Picture book story, I wrote :

Great Grandpa's Balloons

By, C. Heidi Drew

When I was one year old Great Grandpa came to my birthday party with a big red balloon that floated on a string…just for me. Mommy tied it to my walker and it followed me everywhere I went.

When I was two, Great Grandpa came to my birthday party again. This time he used a walker. Tied to his walker he carried a blue floating balloon. He untied it from his walker and tied it to my wrist.

Last year he came to my third birthday party in a wheelchair. This time he brought me a yellow balloon. I climbed upon his lap with it and he told me that a balloon that stays up in the air is called a helium balloon. Helium is the air inside the balloon that makes it float.

This year I turned four years old. Great Grandpa could not come to my birthday party because he had to stay in bed; but he sent me a purple helium balloon with a big smile face drawn on it. He must have known I was sad that he could not come and wanted to cheer me up.

Two days later all the helium snuck out of my purple balloon and it did not float anymore. That was the day Great Grandpa died.

"Where did Great Grandpa go?" my little brother, Timmy asked.

Daddy told us he went to heaven. Heaven is a beautiful place somewhere up in the sky where God takes care of us after we die. All is good and happy in heaven. Great Grandpa feels much better now.

Then I asked Mommy, "How did Great Grandpa get up there?"

She did not know. Timmy thinks God let down a rope and Great Grandpa climbed up to heaven. I think he floated up there in a balloon.

Then Daddy gave me a green helium balloon and Mommy gave Timmy an orange helium balloon and we all climbed up to a hill-top field. There we let the balloons go…to float up to Great Grandpa in heaven.

Now, Mommy is going to have another baby soon. Her tummy looks like a big pink balloon. Maybe God is sending the baby down to us from Great Grandpa.


This sold to a private collection

Pop-up First Birthday Card

Ant and Chipmunk

These were prospective characters created for someone else's children's book idea.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

"Puff the Magic Dragon"

These are both double page spread Illustrations for a picture book of the song lyrics by, Peter, Paul and Mary

A Divorce card

This card I made about a 200 year old house in Belmont, Vermont in 1992

The Retreat

Your ghost haunts this place of beauty and peace

The phone's piercing ring at my slumber won't cease

This porch reverberates your insincere hand

Loneliness echoes from the untended land

the birds' twitter tells me to feel happy and free

Fresh spring smells are beckoning me

The mouse in the wall scratches at my woe

With black bats of the night why did you go?