Sunday, September 16, 2012

Two new short poems

What are these Hospice Days?
Ode to Euan Frizzel
Sept. 15, 2012

The pain is put in remission
Because the cancer won't remit
Damaging the walls, death won't quit
Entering his vessel to seduce and reduce
For its' delights or perhaps, insights

Death is indescribable
Words are unreliable
And horror is unthinkable
This man seemed so unsinkable
The long good-bye for one so fine
Too soon, too young, and not mine

By, C. Heidi Drew
Sept. 15, 2012

An intangible form of pleasure
Money drives and denies
It's use defines worth on earth
An unreliable source for measure
Of value for purpose, for need
Greed for security, for power
Money creates it all with a glower
And cheers with a toast
Then disappears like a ghost